Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie Review

Deep in the forests of West Virginia, Canada, live the reclusive hillbillies Tucker & Dale. However, terror rises up when (click clip) college ...Source: Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Predator 2 Movie Review

A review of the movie Predator 2, by Decker Shado. The internet personality with the best hair. Looking back on Predator 2, how does it match up against the first great, but flawed movie? How important is it to the series, and was Mike even on an investigation at any part of the movie?This link (blog post) doesn't work anymore, but I can't bear t

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Shanghai Noon Movie Review

It's a railroad, not a quarry.ANYWAY, this week we're looking at Shanghai Noon, where Jackie Chan meets up with Owen Wilson for an adventure through the Wild West! And... that sentence alone scarily enough has told you absolutely everything you have to know about (blog post) this movie. So why not watch a video review of it that's over 20 minutes

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Sabotage Movie Review

For a while, Schwarzenegger wasn't doing much but cameos in movies. That's because of his time as the Gahvanahovcalifornja, but since his time in that job has ended naturally he returned to movies. Seems there wasn't a great backlog of (blog post) projects built around him though, as in 2014 we (blog post) get him as our lead man in Sabotage, a f

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